Tolky Monkys illustration in Madrid centre
Here we send several pics of our last public project, a vinyl in a huge window of an office located in Calle Montera 32 `[Madrid]. In total 7 m2 of vinyl for the whole composition.
GENERAL VIEWMaybe it doesn´t appear to be much work, but it took us almost one month and a half to design it, among other projects of course. And three days to mount it. Actually, this vynil was thought to be sticked on Christmas, you can see a few Christmas details indeed, though finally we didn´t manage to have it on time. How the idea emerged is very easy. We have the studio in Calle Montera, but without outside windows, but there´s an ad agency called Murray that maybe some of you know ( Talking among us, we thought it would be great to use their big huge window oriented to Calle Montera with some of our Characters, so we sent them a mail, without much hope that´s the truth, and it resulted that they liked the idea. Very nice people!! Soon afterwards we were having tea and chatting in their beautiful office about it. They wanted to have an illustration about Christmas, but not the typical image. Finally we focus it to wish a happy 2009 and it was a great idea. Other way it wouldn´t have made any sense, cause finally we stick it around the 15th of January. Buffff!!
In the composition, you can see Unai, the samurai monkey, fighting against the Fatty Noel Rabbit and its fearful criminals, the pirate octopi. We liked a lot the idea of representing Santa Claus as a fat and lazy rabbit with an evil face ;] Unai´s mission: To defend the one-off star that the selfish Noel Rabbit hasn´t got yet. But it won´t be easy. He will have to fight against a furious and hungry octopi horde. Will he manage to defende the one-off star? We don´t have much clear what we want to say with all this ;] The best is that you get your own conclussions.
Of course, you can pass by Calle Montera 32 and take a look to the window in the 1st floor. You will be able to see in person what we show here with a few pics. View address in Google Maps.
We hope you like it! See you soon!
RIGHT SIDE [You can read "Protect your stars. Enjoy 2009"]
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