Microstories Contest - At last, the winners...
First of all, we want to thank everybody for participating. This includes all the readers that have written ideas, the collaborating blogs, the bloggers that have talked about the contest at their personal blogs and those of you who have twitted.
The total amount of proposals have been 15o in 9 different blogs. You can have a look at our site for the whole list of stories and winners. Besides, we have counted 27 people that have twitted and 17 personal blogs in which you have posted about the contest.
About the winners, this are our decissions:
- Hombre Revenido: Story of Duble Nuble, written at Raza Becaria
- Airikkala: Name of "Eggeater Mucus and Blind Mucus", written at Raza Becaria.
These two winners will win each of them a Tolky Monkys pack composed of 4 items to choose among the catalogue that will be released on April. Besides, there are a bunch of prizes to give away. You can have a look at the list of the stories and winners to see all the winners:
- 2 winners per blog that will get a surprise t-shirt each.
- Prizes best Blogs: We will give "Oink el Rellano" and "Viste Adecuadamente" a Tolky Monkys pack as they have been the first and second blog with more ideas among all the collaborating blogs.
- Twitter Prizes: A surprise t-shirt for mega_zoi, teeconnoisseur, adrianmanc y _Elu.
- Premios Blogs Secundarios: A surprise t-shirt for Talamaska, OFGMS, Zurmis y Thunderfrogs.
We´ll contact all of you via mail during the next two weeks.
And for those of you that haven´t get any prize, there are discount coupons for everyone:
- Proposed ideas: Coupon 25% off. It will be published at the blog where you participated. Tomorrow we´ll create it and we´ll send to bloggers of each blog.
- Twitter: Coupon 25% off. We´ll send you a direct message through Twitter with your personal coupon. Pay attention!
- Secondary Blogs: Coupon 50% off. We´ll send you a personal coupon through your blog.
If any of you don´t receive the coupon in the next two days, please write us cause maybe we haven´t taken you into account.
Thanks a lot!! See you in the next contest!!
¡Awesome! Thanks very much. :D
@henryv: Thanks to you for participating! It has been funny. Sure we repeat ;]
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