Lottery for Characters - Christmas 2009
After last year's success and knowing that things are currently a little bit difficult, this year we wanted to repeat the experience so we're going to organize our own Christmas Lottery. When? Well between 3rd of December and the 3rd of January all those of you who order online shall be entered into the draw.What does it consist of? It's easy. We've issued a bunch of tickets, each with a series and a two-digit number. If this number matches with the last two mega ball numbers of the Niño Lottery, that will take place on the 6th of January in Spain, then you'll be the lucky winner. And what if you get all of the numbers in a series? Well, we begin a new serial number: 2, 3, 4... as many as are necessary. So, this means that if you place an order during this Christmas Holiday you'll have up to a 4% chance of being a winner.
And how can you get hold of a ticket? Easier still. Depending on the amount you spend in your orders on our website ( this Christmas, we'll give you a specific number of shares:
- From 30€ to 50€: 1 coupon
- From 51€ to 90€: 2 coupons
- From 91€ and up: 4 coupons
What´s the prize? Well, if you're one of the lucky coupon owners, you'll have to contact us and we'll give you back the entire amount spent on your buy. So, it'll be completely FREE. Hell yeah!
We hope you like the idea!
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