Now, with Skype, you can talk with Tolky Monkys
We´re really happy. Several days ago we activated a new functionality in our site. It´s a little bit silly but we think is useful. What we´ve done is to implement a Skype button in the Contact page. The idea is that all of you that have a problem or a doubt related with the on-line store, might solve it at the moment.Its use is very easy. There are two buttons. The first one is the "Call me" button. If you click on this one, you´ll do a phone call to our Skype account. The second one is the "Status" button. It indicates whether we are connected or not. If we´re not available you will read "Desconectado" and if on the contrary, we´re available, you´ll read "Conectado". We´re usually connected in normal office schedule here in Spain. This is, from 09:00 till 14:00 and from 16:00 till 19:00.
The most important issue is that this service is only for issues related with the on-line store. This means that through it, you can solve your doubts and problems you could have before, during and after making the order. We bother to recognize, but we aren´t perfect =), so maybe appears an incovenient, but the important thing is that now is easier and quicker to solve it. You´ll only have to visit our contact page and call us. Just install Skype in your computer, it´s FREE, and click on the "Call me" button. Easy, isn´t it?. A few examples in which you can use this tool:
BEFORE MAKING AN ORDER: You want to buy one of our Characters in t-shirts, hoodies, posters or polo shirts, but you have doubts before, is your first time or any issue related with the order process is not clear enough. Maybe the shipping costs. Just click "Call me".
DURING THE ORDER PROCESS: The site has failed while you were completing the order form or you have accessed Paypal and you don´t know how to pay with Credit Card. Just click "Call me".
AFTER MAKING THE ORDER: And of course, is also useful for all of you that have made an order and have had any issue. For example, the order takes too much to get to your address or the size or maybe you want a refund. Once again, just click "Call me".
So, before keeping with the doubt, call us and we´ll solve your issues for sure. We speak either english or spanish.
See you!
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