We sponsor the Spanish Freestyle Slalom Series
A month ago, in Tolky Monkys we decided to carry out a new adventure; to sponsor a sport. But not any sport. Soccer and basketball would have been secure bets and though we had offers of several big and recognized clubs we´re not going to mention, we decided to begin with a less-known sport here in Spain, the Freestyle Slalom. Don´t you know it? You better hurry up cause very soon will be a fashion. Freestyle Slalom is a discipline of skating in which participants have to get round cones in all the imaginable ways. As we think that a video is better than a few words, here you have a reference:
Like any other sport, it has either amateur or professional branch. Here in Spain, the professional side is carried out in the Freestyle Slalom Battle and guess what?you'll have to feel lucky cause next weekend, April 25th and 26th, is going to take place the Madrid edition. People of the whole world is registered and they will compete into the different phases of the competition where "at last only one will be alive". In each phase, they´ll show the judges, the audition and the rest of the challengers the stunts and turns up they´re able to do. And in this sport as in Highlander, in the end "ther can be only one".
For this edition, our collaboration has gone beyond the contribution awards for the winners: t-shirts and hoodies for the best. We´ve also designed the poster that advertises the event and it have been sticked all over the city.

Where: C/ Catorce olivas [Polideportivo Francisco Fernández Ochoa] View at Google Maps.
When: Saturday April 25 and 26 from 10:30am till 3:30pm. [Saturday afternoon at Retiro park - Madrid]
Visit official site of the Slalom Series competition
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