International T-shirt day competition
As you would know, Tolky Monkys creates and develops Characters. Although this is true, is also true the fact that nowadays most of our products in which we commercialize these Characters are t-shirts. Due to this, we´ve decided to join the celebration of the International T-shirt Day of the 21st June.What are we going to do? We´re going to participate in the contest that Tee Junction is undertaking with other t-shirt brands. They have been celebrating small contests and today is our turn. To participate is really easy. You just have to read the stories of our Characters and leave a comment at this post writing down to which Tolky Monkys´ Character you look like and why. We are talking about personality, not physical appearance ;]
What can you win? The winner will get a t-shirt and a caricature with the Tolky Monkys´ style. So, if you participate, besides leaving a comment, you must send us a photo to tshirtday[at]tolkymonkys[dot]com.
On Monday 22nd we´ll publish the winner, so pay attention.
This is a real tough and tricky one ... so many to love and to like.
Seeing the Undie Raccoons and being East German myself I rarely can hold myself back and not put my undies on my head and dance naked around a puddle of water so I highly sympathize with them but I have to give it to Otto – again, speaks to the German in me ;-) But octopuses give me the creeps and I am highly in favor of them cutting them up themselves for a greater cause and good ... and having been in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised to find such octopus in reality. Anyhow, give it up for Otto!!!
I mostly like MANOLO, the fire boy, because I also like to try out several things.
i think i must be stone-boy! i don't like people very much, i often talk to architectural structures made of stone and i let my tees do the talking for me!
I think that I am like the Undie Raccoons. While I do not go snooping around to find women's undies (though I do admit to having put underwear on my head and running around in it), I do other things that are unexpected and silly. I think that's what makes these raccoons unique. You don't expect them to go looking around for underwear or doing things like putting underwear on their heads. I would wave to random strangers when I'm at the mall and randomly wear a cow costume to school (for no particular reason).
The treasures that I seek are new t-shirts, fun toys, and fun accessories...also candy!
OK, let's see, so many great characters! BUT, if I had to choose one it would have to be PULPILLOS HORDE because I am a man of many personalities! And it doesn't help that I am training to be a psychologist, muahahaha!
I can be friendly at one moment and then the next I'll be tearing you apart with my brutally honest words. I hold nothing back. I tell it how it is! I've made little girls cry just from the words I've spoken.
I can sweet talk my way out of any situation. Put me in a pickle and I'l be the sweetest guy around. I can be the friendliest guy around, only to lure in more more minions to expand my growing legion o Coty-ites. OK, that last part was an exaggeration (I think).
I would have to say Deadly--
I have two kids and I dread going shopping and housework and am truly an ordinary housewife (although the only worms I buy my kids are the gummy ones.
I think I'm more like Pulpillos Horde. I definitely have many different personalities. At times, I can be the friendliest person you may ever meet (this is seen most of the time because I am a nursing student), but I can also be very mean and aggressive. You just have to catch me at the right time if you don't want to deal with the bad side of me. :)
A mi, me gustan dragona y dragono. I think I like the infatuated dragons the best becuase of the dragono character. As a fellow romantic, I can relate to the feeling of sometimes being unable to articulate my love for my wife.
@All: Thanks a lot for participating. We hope you keep visiting us in the future. Best regards from the Tolky Monkys Team.
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