Original t-shirts, boy t-shirts, girls t-shirts, tees, tshirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, posters, card cases


Monday, June 1, 2009

Cause wearing a Tolky Monkys´ t-shirt is having very much style

Thank’s to Ignacio, a friend of us who not so far ago ordered some nice card cases, we get to know that DT, a magazine for men with very much style, has written about us this this month. What does this means? Very easy, Tolky Monkys is the brand that wears the man either from today or tomorrow ;]

In the article, which is quite small, they talk not only about Tolky Monkys but also about Naranjas Chinas, Lola Camisetas and the omnipresent Threadless, buuuuuuuuuuuut, we’re really proud that they chose one of our t-shirts to illustrate the article. Great! Isn´t it?

And of course, we would like to thank the person from DT magazine who included us in his article.