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Monday, September 21, 2009

20 stories received and 9 remaining days to send in yours

As the majority of you who read this blog will probably know, on the 3rd of September we launched with Bubok, a platform of free books auto-publication, the first edition of the Tolky Monkys Short Story Contest. The goal is to publish a book at Christmas with short stories and illustrations of our Characters. Sweet, right?

18 days into the contest and 9 days to close, the time has come to make a first evaluation. For now, we have received 20 short stories of good quality, although we're very aware that “Spain is different” and that the server will be filling up in the last couple of days ;] How do we know this? It's easy, because up until now there have been more than 800 people who have read the rules and have been interested in our Characters for the contest. The truth is, we're really looking forward to choosing the winners, so we can start illustrating the book. It's going to be incredible!!

If you're still mulling over the idea of participating, stop mulling and go ahead. Better to think about a story idea instead of weather or not to participate ;] Like our grandparents always told us: “It's better late than never”. Publishing a book this Christmas with drawings of our Tolky Monkys Characters is definitely a good thing. Don´t wait more! ;]

Remember, you have until the night of September the 30th to present your story. You can upload it to Bubok or send it to info[at]tolkymonkys[dot]com. In this sense, and since we've been getting a lot of questions, we've created a little manual in which we explain the steps you should follow when uploading your story to Bubok so you can enter it in the contest:

Download the manual to publish the story [Only in Spanish]

And if you need to refresh your memory, visit contest section to better inform yourselves [Only in Spanish]:

See Contest Rules | See Characters availables for the Contest
Visit the Bubok blog | Know Bubok