Win free t-shirts with Twestival Madrid and Tolky Monkys
In our never-failing eagerness to be where you're at, Tolky Mokys have decided to collaborate with the second edition of Twestival Madrid. First thing's first, respond to the question that is inevitably on all your minds: “What the hell is the Twestival Madrid?” Well, this event lies within another bigger festival called Twestival Local, which is just another of the many reasons to reunite youngsters like ourselves in one place, in the case “followers” and “followings” of Twitter, with the requirement that all money raised in this friendly reunion goes to a NGO. In Madrid's case, the money shall be donated to the “Federation of Animal Welfare of the Community of Madrid”. So, it's not just about meeting people, it has a very important social undertone.
And that's why we have decided to participate in it. Yes, it's a party, and yes, there will be live music and we'll drink, but we're also gonna help out, which is cool every now and then ;]
And how do we get involved? Well we've donated 4 t-shirts to hand out during the festival and give you guys another little reason to go, in case lending a hand and drinking is enough incentive =) To win one of these tees, the only thing you have to do is be there, that's right, be there. The entrance fee is a measly 1€ and the drinks are affordable, so money can't be an issue.
The festival is on Thrusday 10th of September in Madrid, and the premises is NeoLabels, who are working their skins off to organize it:
C/ Doctor Fourquet, 20
Metro-Tube: Lavapiés [L3] o Atocha [L1]
Benchmarks: Atocha Station
And to urge you just a tad more and to introduce Twestival Madrid, we're gonna give away another two t-shirts those of you who RT on your Twitter this exact phrase:
"Count me in for @MadridTwestival :: :: RT and win free t-shirts of @Tolky_Monkys"
The prize winners for ReTwittering will be announced the same date as the Festival. If you're there, you can pick up your tee on the spot, and if not, not to worry, you can always come on over to our humble studio on Montera St. To pick it up.
Important: You will not have more participation entries for Retwittering more than once. Only one tweet will be accounted for, although we do appreciate lots of RT. And for goodness sake, take away the speech marks when you do ;]
So you all know what to do, go off and RT and we'll await you at the festival.
Buy Ticket in Amiando
See location on Google Maps
It is a very nice and good post. Keep up the good work.
@Custom T-shirts: Thanks! We´ll keep on working hard.
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