Short Story Contest Tolky Monkys – Bubok ::: 1st Edition
Hello again! We hope you've all gained strength this summer and that the holidays have served to recharge your creative batteries to the max!
A few days ago we started off backing up the Twestival Madrid, so today we announce our decision to publish a book for Christmas with stories and illustrations of our Characters.
With this goal in mind, we're launching a short story contest with a hand from Bubok, a platform of free autopublication, where anyone can be their own Editor and make their dream of publishing a book come true, written with his own hand. Yes, you read correct, A-N-Y-O-N-E can do this. And why with these guys? Because they have a fantastic community of writers and because once written, illustrated and printed into a demo, the book can be put up for sale directly on the it's site. So the question really ought to be: With who, if not them?
All of you who wish to participate have from the 2nd till the 30th of September to dust off your quills and write a story about one of our Characters available for the contest. But bear in mind that not all of them are available for this one. We've selected 15 of them [See list of Characters for the Contest].
A few basic things you will need to take into account before rushing off to write, which are: The number of words should be between 650 and 800, not including the title. There is a maximum of 3 stories per writer and never using more than one Character per story, although you may invent secondary characters if you wish. And one very important thing: be consistent in the existing story of your chosen Characcter. Lastly, to send in the short story, you will have to register at Bubok and upload the story with the name "Concurso Relatos Cortos Tolky Monkys Bubok" [See complete Rules for the Contest].
Out of all the stories we receive, on the 14th of October we will upload the preselection from 25 stories to Facebook so that EVERYONE can vote for them. On the 21st of October the voting will be closed. The three most-voted stories will be included in our book as “The Public's Favourites” and we will chose between 7 and 12 stories to include in it also. In total, we are counting on 10 to 15 stories for this publication.
As prizes, per each winning story, the author will receive:
- Publication of their story alongside name and surname, or pseudonym.
- Tolky Monkys Gift Certificate of 60€, exchangeable for any product of our on-line store.
- A copy of the book, printed and mailed to your home by courtesy of Bubok.
- Promotion and publicity by Bubok and Tolky Monkys in all media at our disposal: Blog, Facebook, Shops, Press releases, etc.
If this has piqued your curiosity and you would like to enter, don't wait another minute to start writing because time has started to fly since the moment we published this post ;] And of course,before you do a thing visit the info section of the contest:
NOTE: This first edition is only for spanish speaking writers. Sorry... =(
See Rules of Contest | See Available Characters
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