Original t-shirts, boy t-shirts, girls t-shirts, tees, tshirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, posters, card cases


Friday, June 26, 2009

New polo-shirts, for good-looking guys

While other stores are on sales, in Tolky Monkys we stay calm and continue publishing new Characters and designs. Why not? As you know we've created our own world with a different rythm... ;]

We have got 4 designs on polo shirts 100% cotton, manufactured on a unique self-pattern and with double stitched collar, sleeves and lower hem. Mamma mia!! It fits like a glove and you look like a gentleman. Is important to underline that there are only 150 units of each design, distributed among S, M, L and XL sizes. If you like them, you'd better be quick, because is likely they are sold out very soon, especially S and XL sizes, that are very few. We know this looks like a commercial trick, but it's true that these sizes are sold very fast ;]

From all the designs, the Air Dudes are a reedition, another, Hikiko, is a classic t-shirt, Saurio is a new Character and One-eared Rabbit and his desintegrator robot is a development of an existant Character.

View all the polo shirts in the store
View big huge photos in our Flickr

Air Dudes
SAURIO, thre dragon thing [FRONT]
SAURIO, the dragon thing [BACK]

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tshirtday Contest - And the winner is...

After reading all the comments with your stories, we´ve decided that the winner of the t-shirt and the Tolky Monkys´ caricature is... Coty, for his multiple personalities of the Pulpillos Horde. Congratulations!! We´ll contact you very soon.

And for the rest, thanks a lot for participating. We know that everyone has a Tolky Monkys´Character inside. This is just another proof ;] Ah, and don´t worry because you´ll have more chances to get one of our Characters for free.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

International T-shirt day competition

As you would know, Tolky Monkys creates and develops Characters. Although this is true, is also true the fact that nowadays most of our products in which we commercialize these Characters are t-shirts. Due to this, we´ve decided to join the celebration of the International T-shirt Day of the 21st June.
What are we going to do? We´re going to participate in the contest that Tee Junction is undertaking with other t-shirt brands. They have been celebrating small contests and today is our turn. To participate is really easy. You just have to read the stories of our Characters and leave a comment at this post writing down to which Tolky Monkys´ Character you look like and why. We are talking about personality, not physical appearance ;]

What can you win? The winner will get a t-shirt and a caricature with the Tolky Monkys´ style. So, if you participate, besides leaving a comment, you must send us a photo to tshirtday[at]tolkymonkys[dot]com.

On Monday 22nd we´ll publish the winner, so pay attention.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our polo shirts are hard-wearing

Here we leave a few pics of the last Freestyle Slalom competition carried out in Barcelona two weekends ago as part of the Extreme Battle Barcelona.

The two skaters of the photos are wearing a polo shirt of Unioreja, the one-eared rabbit. As you can see, it´s not only nice but also extremely comfortable ;]

Monday, June 8, 2009

For you girls, new Tolky Monkys´ Characters

Following the style of the previously released boys t-shirts, we´ve just published three new Characters for girls´ t-shirts. You can see that, once again, we´ve taken advantage of the whole t-shirt, edges included. We know that this seems to be something very easy to achieve, but it is not so. It´s very difficult to make the ink fall homogenuosly over the seams, so you must be really careful.

Besides these printing issues, it´s worthy to remark the little detail of the label with our logo sewed at the left sleeve, the fact that we´ve only printed 130 t-shirts and that we´ve finally manufactured XL size for girls. This was something requested by you, our customers, and at last we have managed to do it. Anyway, it´s important to remark that we´ve done a few units of this size, so if you want one, you should better be quick...

The new Characters are: INVADERS, rebellion in the farmyard, the Dreams of the son of Death and MORGAN, the alley cat.

As in previous occasions, we keep waiting for your comments. Hope you like them!!

View t-shirts at the Store
View huge pics at the Flickr

INVADERS, rebellion in the farmyard

The Drems of the son of DEATH

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cause wearing a Tolky Monkys´ t-shirt is having very much style

Thank’s to Ignacio, a friend of us who not so far ago ordered some nice card cases, we get to know that DT, a magazine for men with very much style, has written about us this this month. What does this means? Very easy, Tolky Monkys is the brand that wears the man either from today or tomorrow ;]

In the article, which is quite small, they talk not only about Tolky Monkys but also about Naranjas Chinas, Lola Camisetas and the omnipresent Threadless, buuuuuuuuuuuut, we’re really proud that they chose one of our t-shirts to illustrate the article. Great! Isn´t it?

And of course, we would like to thank the person from DT magazine who included us in his article.